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Why it is Important to Take Part in Anti-Distracted Driving Efforts

By October 1, 2021No Comments

A survey of motorists last year by Nationwide Insurance found that approximately two-thirds of the respondents admitted to feeling pressure from colleagues and friends to be constantly available by cell phone even while they were driving.  This year, another survey of employees found that more than half of the workers secretly check their smart phones while driving, and 20% admitted to checking it every time it rang or beeped.  In a bad economy, workers are under more pressure than ever to present themselves as the ideal employee, and that includes being available to the office via cell phone or some other electronic communication device, even while they’re driving.

There is much that employers can do to prevent such behavior, but private businesses have not been so keen on jumping on the anti-distracted driving bandwagon.  The Department of Transportation is encouraging private businesses to get more involved in educating their workers about the need to switch off all distractions while they’re driving.  In fact, the DOT is partnering with the Network of Employers for Traffic Safety in these efforts.  If you’re an employer who wants to phase in a “no-cell phones while driving” policy at work, then the folks at NETS have compiled a great collection of resources and materials for you.  These include fact sheets, activity sheets, tips and community tools.

A campaign to phase in a “no cell phones while driving” policy in the office is likely to be unpopular.  However, the NETS details steps that employers can take to promote a safer driving culture among their employees.  This includes the use of presentations, offering call blocking technologies, and making better use of voicemail technologies to avoid receiving a call while driving.  Employers can also brainstorm mass transit options or carpooling options for their employees, so that workers can be in touch with their office even while they’re traveling, without becoming an accident risk.

There are tons of other resources that the NETS is making available for free to employers.  Los Angeles car accident lawyers would encourage California’s employers to make use of these resources to promote a safer motoring culture in the workplace.  It not only keeps employees safe, but could also save you from liability in the event of an accident.

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