Two men looking at cars collision on road, woman standing near car.
No one wants to get in to an automobile accident. It is a frightening experience, one that can leave you at best shaken and at worst severely injured. And while it might be tempting to deal with the other driver and the insurance company on your own, doing so only invites hassles and headaches. It can also mean that you lose out on the compensation that you deserve. If you are a Los Angeles car accident victim, then you need an experienced accident attorney on your side. Why?
Guidance and Direction
You will have dozens of questions after an automobile accident. Who pays for the damage to your automobile? Who pays your medical bills? Should you take the insurance company’s settlement offer? An accident attorney can answer these questions and all the others you have. He will offer advice, give direction and act as your advocate to ensure that your legal rights are protected.
Kinds of Compensation
As an accident victim, you might be entitled to compensation for your medical bills. You might also be entitled to compensation for pain and suffering and lost wages. If you have become incapacitated, then your family might also be entitled to payment for loss of your companionship. You most likely do not know what kinds of compensation are available to you, but an accident attorney does and will ensure that you receive them.
Negotiations with the Insurance Company
While you might be entitled to compensation for medical bills, lost wages and more, this does not mean that the insurance company wants to make these payments. Most companies have an eye on their bottom line and will offer you less money than you deserve. Chances are that you do not have experience negotiating with insurance companies, but an automobile accident attorney does. He will make sure that you receive all of the compensation that you deserve.
If you have been in an accident in the greater L.A. area, then please contact us. Our team of experienced attorneys is standing by to assist.