Lawyers for Complex Catastrophic Personal Injury Lawsuits
Attorneys for California bus accidents must be prepared for incredible legal complexity because these cases often involve massive corporations. These corporations may aggressively fight to avoid paying maximum compensation to injury victims who were riding the bus or were struck by one. Such accidents are typically not minor. Whether a commuter bus on the freeway, a tour bus on a mountain road, or a school bus in your neighborhood, the injuries can be catastrophic and the long-term impact can be deep.
Bus crash lawsuits must be handled by lawyers prepared for the complexities of such cases. At Lederer & Nojima, we are well equipped for bus accident lawsuits and we know how to seek maximum compensation for you and your family. We have recovered millions of dollars for our clients throughout California. Call us to discuss how we can help you.
Bus accident cases that involve injuries can be very complicated. Lawsuits can be filed against either public or private companies. Often times, public bus entities are shielded by complex negligence standards. There are also many regulations that are specific to common carriers, such as bus companies and government transit lines. For example, the statute of limitations may restrict the amount of time available to file a claim after a bus accident, particularly if a government entity is involved.

Causes Of Bus Accidents
A report by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration concluded that bus drivers are the main cause of such accidents. In most of the cases involved in the study, the driver’s failure to properly react to a situation was the primary cause of the catastrophe. Delayed reaction can occur when the driver fails to accurately examine the road and immediate surroundings. Other examples of driver neglect include:
- driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol
- inattention through texting or other distraction
- abrupt lane changes
- driving while fatigued
- traveling too fast for road conditions
Though bus drivers are often responsible, there are many accidents not caused by driver negligence. Some accidents are the result of defective equipment such as brake failure, door latch defects, steering mechanism failure, and other mechanical failure that may indicate manufacturer defects. In these cases, the manufacture of the bus or a component part can be held responsible. Improper bus maintenance may also cause an accident, as well as a government’s failure to maintain the roadways. In many cases, there are multiple causes and multiple parties responsible for the tragedy of a mass transit vehicle accident. We know to pursue compensation from all of them on your behalf.
Call us for a free consultation. If we take your case and we do not win, you owe us nothing. When you reach out to us, we will be candid about the merits of your case and we will advise you on the next steps to take.
Determining Liability in a Bus Crash
There are several potential liable parties in a bus crash. These may include any of the following:
- Bus driver: a negligent driver may be held individually liable for passenger injury, however the driver’s employer and its insurance company may also be responsible.
- Bus maintenance company: if a maintenance company failed to properly maintain the bus.
- Other motor vehicle driver: a negligent driver and owner of the vehicle.
- Manufacturers of the bus or one of its parts: the manufacturer of a defective bus or bus part.
- Private bus company: a bus company is responsible for hiring qualified drivers and may be liable for a driver’s negligence. The company may also be liable if it failed to properly maintain its buses.
- State or local government: a city, county, or state entity may be responsible for the negligence of its drivers and for failure to maintain its buses. The government may also be liable if it failed to properly maintain public roads if an unsafe condition caused an accident.
The NTSB, state law enforcement, local authorities, insurance company representatives, investigators on behalf of the bus company and others may all be involved in the investigation of the crash. We know how to protect your rights, navigate the bureaucracy and relentlessly pursue justice and compensation for you. Our law firm will gather evidence, call on appropriate experts and sift through all the details of the case to determine the truth.
Catastrophic Injuries
While not every accident leads to catastrophes like head trauma, paralysis, or serious burns, if you or a loved one has been catastrophically injured in a bus accident, you need a qualified California bus accident attorney to represent you. Based on the merits of your case, we will represent you no matter the severity of injuries involved but you are particularly encouraged to call if your injuries are life-altering. Our attorneys can help you recover compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, lost earning capacity, life care expenses, rehabilitation costs, pain and suffering, punitive damages, and other possible damages in such cases. When the stakes are high, you need the most qualified personal injury lawyers on your side
“Excellent and honest attorney.”
Posted By: Mehdi M.