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By September 21, 2021No Comments

$10,000,000.00 structured settlement for a wrongful death case against the MTA. A twelve year old little girl who lost her mother as a result of a bus running over her had been told by ten prior attorneys that they did not have a case came to our firm for representation. Our firm took the case and after investigation found out that there is more to a story than just the facts in a police report. Although our efforts could not bring back the little girl’s mother we were able to recover enough so that her future could be easier financially.

Confidential settlement for a case against a golf cart manufacturer which negligently maintained and serviced golf cart causing it to run over the plaintiff and lead to serious injury. The defendants refused to settle until we took the case over from another attorney sixty days prior to trial and promptly performed an investigation into maintenance records whereupon we discovered they were intentionally destroyed by the manufacturer to defeat liability in this case.

Wrongful Death – $1,300,000.00 Settlement.
20 year old man was tragically and needlessly killed by a drunk driver in Arizona. He was survived by his mother, father, and his siblings. He was not married, and did not have any children. The insurance company offered only $250,000 to our client’s parents prior to our involvement. In addition, the defense attorney hired by the insurance company obtained an astoundingly low $250,000.00 jury verdict for a similar case in the same jurisdiction just weeks prior to the settlement. Nevertheless, we were able to negotiate a $1,300,000.00 settlement prior to filing a lawsuit.

$1,000,000.00 Settlement. Plaintiff sustained a leg injury and permanent scarring as a result of a truck hitting him in a large parking lot. The lawsuit was initiated against the parking lot for inadequate supervision of the lot and a trucking company who denied that any of their drivers were present on the evening of the incident. The case was finally settled after extensive investigation into the facts of the accident and only after the defendant’s insurance company realized that our office would not compromise on the necessary compensation due to our client.

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